Rowan Emilia
04 Dec 2008 02:14 PM JournalYes, I’m lazy, I haven’t posted in a while, I haven’t taken many photographs either. One or 2 things have happened since July, but this is about the most important. I’m an uncle! A real uncle, not a fake-my-cousin-had-a-baby uncle. My sister had a baby girl! “Rowan Emilia” was born on 9/19/2008. I’m not really a baby person, but this one is particularly cute! I mean c’mon, look at that mug! I came down to Texas for Thanksgiving, and took a Houston road trip to visit Rowan the weekend after with my mom. We setup a weblog and now my sister knows how to post pictures. She promised regular updates, and so far she is uploading lots of photos and they bought a new camera, so there may be hope!
Updated…. This post looked like it could use a little more text, so I thought I’d update it a little. I’ve been showing photos of Rowan around lately. Almost everyone gave the obligatory glance and “aww, how cute”, then a pause, then a double-take, and a “hey, that looks just like you!” I think it’s just the cheeks, but Shannon is telling me she is starting to make these faces that are very “Shawn”, such as this one:
I don’t know, what do you think?
I’ve also been paying attention to the random babies I see around town, and I have to say… There are a lot of ugly babies! I thought they were all supposed to be cute or whatever. I just don’t see it Uggg!
Yep, it’s unanimous, little Rowan is Shawn in girl baby form.
You should set up a side by side comparison. It would rule.
I doubt I’d be the only stoked about that post either…I was just showing my family her blog and everyone oooed and awwwwwed. Plus, without me even putting my two cents, my mom said (mind you she’s only seen your blog too), “Sooooo cute! Awww she looks like Shawn.”
Hence unanimous.
Anyhow, think about it :)
Keep rocking the awww-dorableness Rowan!
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Good idea, I will do that soon. But I think I might have been a cuter baby. I don’t want to take anything away from Rowan! :)